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Bloke 09.07.2009 13:00

ThinkingParticles 3.0 для 3ds Max 2010
ThinkingParticles 3.0 (перекомпилирован под 3ds Max 2010)

ThinkingParticles™ 3.0 is the ultimate rule based particle system for 3ds max, offering unparalleled power to the user. ThinkingParticles™ 3.0 is a completely new class of rule-based particle systems for 3ds Max. When this type of particle system is compared to an event-based particle system, (which works on triggers and time dependent events) you'll find many unique advantages within TP3's rule-based logic, which is free from normal time-based constraints and instead applies simple behaviors. These behaviors govern all aspects of a particle’s motion, life, death, and collisions in a true non-linear fashion. We hope you find that by using ThinkingParticles 3, you can create all the incredible effects you were hoping for, but have been limited previously by existing technologies.

The real power of ThinkingParticles™ comes from its unlimited combination of conditions and operators to define the behavior of each single particle in a particle system. Like C++ opens up an unlimited world for a software developer, ThinkingParticles™ offers the same unlimited power to the 3ds max artist.

What's the real deal with ThinkingParticles 3.0?
ThinkingParticles offers its particle system functionality through a kind of programming approach. However, unlike programming, you won't have to write a single line of code! A powerful visual "Wire Setup Interface" enables any 3ds Max artist to define the rules and conditions that control the particle behavior. Because it is a "program" that controls the particles and the behavior, you will find that there is no limit to what you can do! Nearly every particle effect can be created or controlled through a set of operators and conditions

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Особенности и нововведения Thinking Particles 3.0:

- новый приятный глазу интерфейс управления и расширенные возможности оптимизации рабочего процесса;
- добавлены новые динамические узлы:

Orbit (позволяет установить для частицы или группы частиц особую орбиту с варьирующимися позицией/ориентацией) и Memory Node (предназначена для хранения данных/переменных);

PAttach: система, позволяющая устанавливать взаимозависимости между частицами. Связанные таким образом партиклы ведут себя идентично;
ShapeJoint: связывает частицы вместе, игнорируя заранее просчитанные физику и динамику;

и множество других;

- обновлены и расширенны уже существующие ноды;

- через меню правой кнопки мыши теперь доступен любой оператор;
- в меню создания операторов теперь доступны новые инструменты;
- в ShapeCollision добавлены новые функции управления деформацией частиц;
- добавлены новые Helper Nodes и обновлены старые.


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